Trinity Nuclear Abolition NEWS RELEASE
11 April 2011
Peace Vigil Remembers 2 WMDs
Trinity Nuclear Abolition (TNA) will hold their monthly vigil at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) on Tuesday April 12th from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Under the authority of the D.o.E. the USA conducted two full-scale nuclear bomb explosions—Hudson & Sapello in 1962 and 1974—on Western Shoshone lands 800 miles west of Los Alamos. These nuclear tests were detonated at the Nevada National Security Site (formerly called the Nevada Test Site or Nevada Proving Ground). TNA laments the destruction of the Nevada desert from these explosions, the waste of tax-payer money on these exploits of nuclear technology, the disrespect from the USA towards indigenous people such as the Western Shoshone in Nevada and the Tewa in New Mexico, and the spiritual blockage that nuclearism creates for people in the USA.
The safety of all creatures, including LANL employees and visitors, is of prime concern to TNA, which conducts events that are peaceful and nonviolent, and does not damage property. As seen in the past, the activities of TNA do not disrupt the peace for LANL workers.
This 44th TNA picketing event at LANL is scheduled for only one hour. TNA members believe that LANL's nuclear weapons work interferes with the spiritual work being conducted in the USA, requiring a spiritual solution. TNA complains that LANL is still out of compliance with the U.S. Constitutional treaty obligations, still infatuated with nuclear weapons, and still conducting international criminal activity, as shown by the nuclear bomb pit production work at the Chemistry Metallurgy Research (CMR) facility, and as LANL continues to build a replacement for the current CMR facility.
TNA states that LANL employees commit federal and international crimes on-site in this territory rightfully belonging to various Tewa pueblo peoples. TNA is always nonviolent, peaceful and usually playful. TNA advocates for the love enemies, hoping to bring about the highest quality of security. TNA thereby calls for cleanup of radioactive sites, disarmament of nuclear weapons industries and active rebuilding of a peaceful structures in the USA. TNA denounces nuclearism because TNA is a spiritually grounded group promoting peaceful disciplines and healthy ways of living in harmony with creation.
LANL and the Nevada National Security Site are facilities of the Department of Energy (DoE). President Obama has pushed for a transfer of such facilities back into the hands of the War Department (DoD). TNA is opposed to the missions and visions of LANS, LANL, the DoD and the DoE. TNA is committed to the goodness of their employees, yet decries their works of war and nuclear savagery.