Trinity Nuclear Abolition
18 June 2011

Contact: 505.242.0497
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Trinity Nuclear Abolition (TNA) will hold an extended vigil in at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and in the city of Los Alamos this weekend. Starting on Sunday June 19th at noon and ending on Monday June 20th at noon, the group will be present at LANL for 12 hours. LANL will not disturb the peaceful vigil during those 12 hours in front of the main welcome sign at the corner of West Jemez and Diamond between noon and 6pm on June 19th and between 6am and noon on June 20th. This Fathers' Day prayer-vigil is concurrent with Holy Trinity Sunday. TNA's prayer-action will be held by 10 people over the course of 12 hours on LANL-controlled land The intervening 12 hours (6pm to 6am) will be on land which is NOT controlled by LANL.

The schedule for this TNA special event is posted below. The reason for spending 24 hours on this spiritual work at this time, according to Marcus Page-Collonge (TNA spokesperson) is, "Fathers' Day joining with Holy Trinity Sunday is a powerful social moment. It's a window through which we might finally achieve nuclear abolition starting with LANL obeying the divine masculine mandate. As radicals, we embrace the original concepts Fatherhood and the Holy Trinity." TNA supports human efforts towards peace in general, and nuclear weapons abolition in specific. For four years TNA has protested LANL's noncompliance with the U.S. Constitutional duties and U.S. treaty obligations. TNA conducts monthly vigils to remind the public and the LANL employees that LANL is actively conducting international criminal activity, as shown by the nuclear bomb pit production work at the Chemistry Metallurgy Research (CMR) facility, and as LANL continues to build a replacement for the current CMR facility (the new CMRR). TNA has made the organizing flier available here.

The safety of all creatures, including LANL employees and visitors, is of prime concern to TNA, which conducts events that are peaceful and nonviolent, and does not damage anyone's property. As demonstrated in the past, the activities of TNA do not disrupt the peace for LANL workers. TNA's peaceful behavior is in opposition to the violent disruptions of nature in, on and above the earth. The first LANL bomb was fathered by Manhattan Project scientists who code-named it “Trinity”. They subsequently failed to stop governments from using nuclear weapons for evil purposes, setting the precedent for contemporary scientists to irresponsibly father new bombs. June 19th is the anniversary of 3 nuclear bomb test explosions organized by LANL from 1974 through 1992, all of which disturbed the peace in Nevada underground at the nuclear testing range there, code-named “Ming Blade” in 1974, “Mast” in 1975, and “Victoria” in 1992.

Marcus Page-Collonge said, "We believe that LANL's nuclear weapons work is a spiritual problem requiring a spiritual solution." TNA maintains a presence at LANL to remind LANL employees that they are daily committing federal and international crimes on-site in this territory rightfully belonging to various Tewa pueblo peoples. TNA is always nonviolent and peaceful. TNA advocates for the love enemies, hoping to bring about the highest quality of security, and therefore calls for cleanup of radioactive sites, disarmament of nuclear weapons industries and active rebuilding of a peaceful structures in the USA. TNA denounces nuclearism in the midst of spiritual work to promote peaceful disciplines and healthy ways of living in harmony with creation.

SEE PRIOR news release
SEE NEXT news release


Each event lasts 30 minutes, starting at the top of the hour,
followed by 30 minutes of nuclear education and open dialog
  • 12:00 = opening ceremony at LANL
  • 13:00 = walking meditation
  • 14:00 = drumming meditation
  • 15:00 = singing meditation with RADICAL CHEERLEADERS
  • 16:00 = liturgy
  • 17:00 = silent meditation
  • 18:00 = TRANSPORT across bridge to city territory
  • 19:00 = picnic dinner for those not fasting
  • 20:00 = singing meditation
  • 21:00 (SUNDAY evening) = snoring meditation
  • 22:00 to 3:00 = snoring meditation continues !
  • 04:00 (MONDAY morning) = snoring meditation
  • 05:00 = picnic breakfast for those not fasting, followed by TRANSPORT across bridge to LANL
  • 06:00 = singing meditation
  • 07:00 = reprise meditation with RADICAL CHEERLEADERS
  • 08:00 = drumming meditation
  • 09:00 = walking meditation
  • 10:00 = drum down babylon
  • 11:00 = singing led by RAGING GRANNIES & closing ceremony at LANL