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25 July 2008
Contact Trinity Nuclear Abolitionists: 505 242 0497


Two members of Trinity Nuclear Abolitionists (TNA) today were offered plea bargains instead of going to trial. Both TNA members were arrested for praying at Los Alamos National Laboratory in a Tax-Day action on April 14th. Attorneys and friends indicated that the plea bargain is a sweet deal in these cases, but only Mike Butler will accept the bargain because neither defendant has been able to retain a hardcore lawyer. With "a fool for a client" Page will represent himself on August 18th nonetheless. He believes his version of the plea bargain would be acceptable, but his opponent in this case, the honorable Kevin Purtymun, said that Page's version wouldn't be accepted by the court.

Both men would prefer to have attorney friends who have time to do a good job on the case, but all attorney friends are busy at this season. Page asked Purtymun today to drop the charges, and Purtymun said he wouldn't because Purtymun feels the police department will win this argument in court. Although the results in three scenarios (Kevin Purtymun dropping the charges, Magistrate Pat Casados dismissing the case, and Marcus Page accepting a plea bargain) would be similar, Page said, "A plea bargain may be construed as an admission of guilt from the defendant. Dropping the charges can be construed as an admission of guilt from the plaintiff. Mike and I agree that only the Lab employees are guilty of crimes here, that we are BOTH not guilty of any crimes, yet we were held in jail and NONE of the Lab employees were held in jail for Tax Day."

Because the plea bargains were not agreed upon today for Page's case, then the next step is for each party in the case to present evidence and witness lists (one week from today) to the other party. Then Page stands trial on August 18th.

Plea Bargain Proposed by Purtymun of the LA Police Department, accepted by Butler.

Plea Bargain Proposed by Page of the Catholic Worker, unacceptable to Purtymun.