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31 July 2008
Contact Trinity Nuclear Abolitionists: 505 242 0497


Marcus Page filed a Motion to Dismiss the case today based on the confusion of jurisdictions at the land near the intersection of West Jemez Rd & Diamond, in Los Alamos. Arrested for praying at Los Alamos National Laboratory in a Tax-Day action on April 14th, Page believes he is being frivolously prosecuted. With "a fool for a client" Page will represent himself on August 18th at his juried trial. Page was part of a prayer-action with Trinity Nuclear Abolitiionists, and one other gentleman was arrested with Page. Mike Butler reached a plea bargain due to the inaction of his public defender.

Page has already asked Kevin Purtymun last week to drop the charges, and Purtymun said he wouldn't because Purtymun feels the police department will win this argument in court. Mr. Purtymun works for the Los Alamos Police Department. Purtymun also indicated that the LAPD will NOT be utilizing the District Attorney in this case. Although the results in three scenarios (Kevin Purtymun dropping the charges, Magistrate Pat Casados dismissing the case, and Marcus Page being found "not guilty" by the jury) would be similar, Page said, "Dropping the charges may be construed as an admission of guilt from the plaintiff, but a judge who dismisses the case allows the plaintiff to save face in this embarrassing situation where no arrest was necessary for Tax Day at LANL. Leaving it up to the jury to decide is the gamble which the court and the plaintiff are taking. They apparently believe in the power of nuclearism."

Because no plea bargain was reached in Page's case last week, the next step is for each party in the case to present evidence and witness lists tomorrow to the other party. Then Page stands trial on August 18th.