Trinity Nuclear Abolition
12 June 2012
ph: 505.842.5697

Los Alamos Continues to Defy International Law

Trinity Nuclear Abolition (TNA) will hold a peace vigil in front of the main sign at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) on Monday June 18th at the corner of Diamond and West Jemez. The focus of this demonstration is to call for clean up of radioactive contamination in the area, and for an end to nuclearism at LANL. The demonstration will be held from 7:00am to 8:00am, including 8 demonstrators.

Last month's and this month's vigil includes the TNA attempt to educate passers-by, including the reminder to tell politicians to not fund plutonium pit production during the May 9th vote.

TNA breaks no laws, but rather intends their prayers to help LANL's employees STOP committing crimes (against humanity, according to the Nuremberg Principles). TNA and other nuclear abolitionists see the production of plutonium pits as patently illegal (according to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty). Such production already occurs at LANL, yet nuclear-bomb worshipers hope to boost production of pits via the Chemistry Metallurgy Research Replacement facility (CMRR).

The June 18th vigil will be the 59th demonstration that TNA has conducted or supported at LANL. It has been a year since TNA held a two-day vigil for Holy Trinity Sunday and Fathers Day, a few days prior to the Las Conchas fire. At that time Mother Nature and local humans worked together to shut down LANL in fear of wild fire and poison fire disasters. Eight months later the CMRR project was DE-funded for the next five years, but the Pentagon's pro-nuclear activists are hoping to renew funding the poison fire production at LANL through other budget categories.

TNA pledges to continue these demonstrations until the majority of LANL resources are spent on CLEAN-UP of radioactively contaminated sites at LANL. TNA supports the immediate peaceful ending of nuclear weapons research, development, and production. For four years TNA has protested LANL's noncompliance with the U.S. Constitutional duties and U.S. treaty obligations. TNA is always nonviolent, playful, prayerful and peaceful in the prayer-actions conducted at LANL.

Why Did LANL KillReference Man? Because LANL is 99% Pro-Nuclear!
If you can dream up a nuclear war--you can make it real. Your thoughts and words are powerful, so BITE YOUR TOUNGE, LANL. ###

SEE PRIOR news release
SEE NEXT news release