Trinity Nuclear Abolition
9 March 2013
Contact Phone: 505.379.6942

Peace Vigil In Livermore Commemorates 6 Nuclear Bomb Explosions

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is the focus of monthly peace vigils on Fridays at 7am. Two Trinity Nuclear Abolitionists from Albuquerque (who have conducted monthly vigils at LLNL's sister lab in New Mexico since 2007) are back in Livermore for their third Friday vigil at LLNL, inviting other folks from the region to join the demonstration of peace and nuclear weapons abolition. This Easter vigil will be held on the first Friday of April at East & Vasco streets from 7:00 to 8:00 am. The vigil this month commemorates the April 5th explosions of nuclear bombs (at the Nevada National Security Site) of tests named Dining Car (date detonated=4/5/1975), Dormouse Prime (date detonated=4/5/1962), Ferret Prime (date detonated=4/5/1963), Kestrel (date detonated=4/5/1965), Marsilly (date detonated=4/5/1977), Natoma (date detonated=4/5/1973). Each of these nuclear detonations were offenses against the Western Shoshone Nation in Nevada and potentially illegal under international war agreements, as well as offensive to Catholics under the "Just War" theory which denounces nuclear weapons in general.

Every year civilians around the USA gather at important nuclear weapons sites to demonstrate opposition to their local sites of international crime. Places like Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the Kansas City Plant (KCP), the Y-12 facility near Knoxville, TN and California's own nuclear weapons development lab known as LLNL are important locations of spiritual struggles for peace and freedom. Each site has watch-dog groups and activist groups trying to help the public remain vigilant regarding the offenses committed by the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration. Tomorrow's vigil (on Friday March 8th) is supported by groups like Tri-Valley CAREs in supporting the end of the nuclear age starting with LLNL.

Both LANL and LLNL are guilty of similar crimes of nuclear weapons proliferation, when judged by international treaty standards and the International Court of Justice's 1996 opinion on the illegality of nuclear weapons. Neither of the labs have had any Lab Director arrested or charged with the crimes committed at the labs. Marcus Page-Collonge said, "The police routinely ignore the international and humanitarian violations conducted at LLNL and LANL, committed by nuclear weaponeers plotting nuclear terrorism globally. What's the point of police if they aren't enforcing the highest laws of the land and only picking on street criminals for petty offenses relative to huge nuclear offenses?"

Trinity Nuclear Abolitionists currently living at California's Catholic Worker Farm are committed to monthly vigils for environmental justice and love for enemies in Livermore, CA, because of their understanding that all followers of Christ are called to work for peace and justice in the modern world, and LLNL is the nearest site of nuclear weapons offenses to the Catholic Worker Farm. The environmental injustice in the form of radioactive poisoning of Western Shoshone land on this date (April 5th) were conducted from 1951 to 1992, and the subcritical nuclear tests still continue to the present. According to Catholic Workers like Marcus Page-Collonge, "...all explosions of nuclear bombs are either war crimes like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or crimes against humanity under international law, or crimes against the Spirit of God by the idolatrous nature and the fact that that each nuclear bomb is a gross disrespect for God's creation. That's why we'll keep praying monthly on the first or second Friday at Livermore--until these immature science-based crimes cease to be birthed here."


FIRST monthly vigil at LLNL in February 2013, clickable for the audio collage of LANL scientists and ordinary kids in the 1980s
Audio Collage of LASL/LANL Scientists & Kids of the 80s

SEE PRIOR news release
SEE NEXT news release